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姓名:   孙凝晖 性别:
职称:   研究员 行业: 并行处理体系结构、分布式操作系统、性能评价及文件系统
单位:   中国科学院计算技术研究所








2000.03-2002.02:中科院计算所高性能计算机室主任 

2002.03-2005.10:国家智能计算机研究开发中心主任 

2005.10 - 现在: 任中科院计算所系统结构研究部主任兼计算机系统结构重点实验室主任 

2009.08 - 现在: 任中科院计算所常务副所长






2002.10-2004.6, 负责863计划重大项目“面向网格的高性能计算机-曙光4000”,负责总体设计。


2000.2-2001.2,负责863计划重大项目“曙光3000超级服务器”,负责总体设计。 



1996.5-1997.7,在Princeton大学参加美国NSF重大项目“Scalable I/O Initiative”,负责Low-Level API的设计和在Intel Paragon上的参考实现。

1992.12-1995.5,参加863计划重大项目“曙光1000大规模并行计算机系统”, 负责系统软件部分。



1]. Jing Xing, Jin Xiong, Ninghui Sun, Jie Ma. Adaptive and Scalable Metadata Management to Support Trillion Files. ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, SC'09, 2009

[2]. Guangming Tan, Dengbiao Tu, Ninghui Sun. A Parallel Algorithm for Computing Betweenness Centrality. The 38th International Conference on Parallel Proecessing (ICPP-2009).

[3]. Guangming Tan, Ninghui Sun, Guang R. Gao. Improving Performance of Dynamic Programming via Parallelism and Locality on Multicore Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 261-274 Published: FEB 2009

[4]. 刘莹,王启荣, 孙凝晖,基于SN结构的事件流并行数据库加载均衡策略研究,计算机研究与发展,2009, (1),p.161-博导计算机软件与理论

[5]. 孙凝晖,陈国良,PHPC:一种普及型高性能计算机,中国科学技术大学学报, 2008, 38(7), 745-752

[6]. 杨卫兵,孙凝晖,TIPSec安全传输协议的设计和实现,计算机工程, 2008, 34(14), 143-145

[7]. 方志斌,胡鹏,安学军,孙凝晖,龙芯2E多处理器芯片组的设计与实现,计算机应用研究, 2008, 25(5), 1465-1469,1473

[8]. 方志斌,孙凝晖,安学军,胡鹏,多处理器芯片组中PCI桥控制器的设计与实现,计算机工程, 2008, 34(1), 241-243

[9]. 孙凝晖,李凯,陈明宇,HPP:一种支持高性能和效用计算的体现结构,计算机学报,2008,31(9),p.1503-1508

[10]. Wan DW, Cao Z, Sun NH. HPP switch: A novel high performance switch for HPC. 16th Annual IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects, HOT Inteconnects, 2008, p 145-153

[11]. Song HM, Wang Y, An MY, Wang WP, Sun NH. Query prediction in large scale data intensive event stream analysis systems. Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, GCC 2008, 2008, p 301-308

[12]. Cao Z, Wang DW, Sun NH. Design of barrier network of dawning 5000 high performance computer. Chinese Journal of Computers, v 31, n 10, October, 2008, p 1727-1736

[13]. Yang XJ, Chen F, Sun NH. A HyperTransport-based personal parallel computer. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CCGRID 2008, 2008, p 126-132

[14]. Zeng Y, Sun NH. Design and realization of a high productivity cluster-based network application reconfigurable accelerator board. High Technology Letters, v 14, n 2, June, 2008, p 160-博导计算机系统结构

[15]. 周小成,孙凝晖,霍志刚,马捷,一种降低并行程序检查点开销的方法,计算机工程, 2007, 33(12), 84-86

[16]. 霍志刚,马捷,孙凝晖,一个基于通信系统支持的并行检查点系统,计算机工程, 2007, 33(5), 217-219

[17]. 陈欢,范志华,熊劲,孙凝晖,影响文件系统性能的若干因素的实验,计算机工程, 2007, 33(8), 74-76

[18]. 宋怀明,焦丽梅,孙凝晖,一种数据库中间件的配置服务的研究和实现,小型微型计算机系统, 2007, 28(3), 438-442

[19]. Xianyang Jiang, Xinchun Liu, Lin Xu, Ninghui Sun. A reconfigurable accelerator for Smith-Waterman algorithm. IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems II-Express Briefs. Volume: 54 Issue: 12 Pages: 1077-1081 Published: DEC 2007

[20]. Guangming Tan, Shengzhong Feng, Ninghui Sun. Cache oblivious algorithms for nonserial polyadic programming. Journal Of Supercomputing, Volume: 39 Issue: 2 Pages: 227-249 Published: FEB 2007

[21]. Guangming Tan, Lin Xu, Zhenhua Dai, Shengzhong Feng, Ninghui Sun. A Study of Architectural Optimization Methods in Bioinformatics Applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2007, pp. 371-384.

[22]. Zhan JF, Wang L, Tu BB, Wang H, Zhang, ZH, Jin Y, Sun NH. The design methodology of phoenix cluster system software stack. Proceedings of the Asian Technology Information Program's (ATIP's) 3rd Workshop on High Performance Computing in China - Solution Approaches to Impediments for High Performance Co, 2007, p 174-182

[23]. Sun Ninghui, Meng Dan, Dawning 4000A High Performance Computer, Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2007, V1(1), p 20-25.

[24]. Chen H. Sun NH. United-FS: A logical file system providing a single image of multiple physical file systems on NFS server. Proceedings - 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2007.

[25]. 孙小涓, 孙凝晖, 陈明宇, 多核平台上B-NIDS的优化, 计算机研究与发展, 44(10), 2007, p 1733-1740

[26]. Zhan JF, Sun NH. A layered design methodology of cluster system stack. Proceedings - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER 2007, 2007, p 404-409

[27]. Sun NH. HPP - an architecture for high performance and utility computing. CHINA HPC 2007: Proceedings of the Asian Technology Information Program's (ATIP's) 3rd Workshop on High Performance Computing in China, 2007, p 25-31

[28]. Yang XJ, Sun NH. Design of NIC based on I/O processor for cluster interconnect network. International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage, NAS 2007, 2007, p 3-8

[29]. 谭光明, 冯圣中, 孙凝晖, RNA二级结构预测中动态规划的优化和有效并行,软件学报, 17 (7):1501-1509 ,2006

[30]. Tan GM, Sun NH, Bu DB. Improving locality of nonserial polyadic dynamic programming. 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2006, 2006, p 1639718

[31]. 谭光明,徐琳,周幼英,冯圣中,孙凝晖, 基于曙光4000A的BLAST并行算法, 计算机工程, v 32, n 10, May 20, 2006, p 45-46+49

[32]. Zeng Y. Wang L, Sun NH, Nie H. Virtual machine-based invasion detection system for the virtual computing environment. High Technology Letters, v 12, n 4, December, 2006, p 379-384

[33]. 杨晓君,孙凝晖,郭黎利,基于内存总线的高性能I/O接口设计,哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2006, 38(11), 1935-1938

[34]. 张庆丹,戴正华,冯圣中,孙凝晖,基于GPU的串匹配算法研究,计算机应用, 2006, 26(7), 1735-1737

[35]. 谭光明,徐琳,周幼英,冯圣中,孙凝晖,基于曙光4000A的BLAST并行算法,计算机工程, 2006, 32(10), 45-46,49

[36]. 江先阳,刘新春,张佩珩,孙凝晖,徐志伟,计算密集型体系集成DDR SDRAM控制器设计,计算机工程与科学, 2006, 28(3), 96-97,101

[37]. Tan GM, Feng SZ, Sun NH. Locality and parallelism optimization for dynamic programming algorithm in bioinformatics. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, SC'06, 2006, p 1188538

[38]. Zhang JF, Liu GP, Sun NH. PhoenixG: A unified management framework for Industrial Information Grid. Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid: Spanning the World and Beyond, 2006. CCGRID 06, 2006, p 489-496

[39]. Chen H, Tang RF, Sun NH. Research on key technologies of load balancing for NFS server with multiple network paths. Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, GCC 2006 - Workshops, 2006, p 407-411

[40]. Xiong J, Tang RF, Wu SN, Sun NH. An efficient metadata distribution policy for cluster file systems. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) , Pages: 263-272, 2006

[41]. Zhan JF, Sun NH. Fire phoenix cluster operating system kernel and its evaluation. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Pages: 325-333, 2006

[42]. Tan GM, Feng SZ, Sun NH. An experimental study of optimizing bioinformatics applications. 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2006, 2006, p 1639541

[43]. Tan GM, Feng SZ, Sun NH. Load balancing algorithm in cluster-based RNA secondary structure prediction. 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Pages: 91-96, 2005

[44]. 陈曜,杨卫兵,刘勇,孙凝晖,一种基于智能网卡的无中断通信的实现,计算机工程, 2005, 31(22), 136-139

[45]. 刘勇,杨卫兵,陈曜,孙凝晖,智能网卡驱动程序的性能评价,计算机工程, 2005, 31(14), 42-44,47

[46]. 李慧,孙凝晖,李晓林,实例研究:一个信息系统的SLA评价,计算机应用研究, 2005, 22(5), 179-180,193

[47]. 刘莹,焦丽梅,孙凝晖,基于ServerScope的TCP/IP负载发生器的研究,小型微型计算机系统, 2005, 26(5), 850-854

[48]. 徐琳,李晓民,谭光明,刘新春,卜东波,冯圣中,孙凝晖,面向FPGA的RNA二级结构预测并行算法研究,计算机学报,2:233-238,2006

[49]. Guangming Tan, Lin Xu, Dongbo Bu, Ninghui Sun. Improvement of performance of MegaBlast algorithm for DNA sequence alignment. Journal Of Computer Science And Technology, Volume: 21 Issue: 6 Pages: 973-978 Published: NOV 2006

[50]. Guangming Tan, Liu Peng, Shengzhong Feng, Ninghui Sun. Load balancing and parallel multiple sequence alignment with tree accumulation. Euro-Par 2006 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Volume: 4128 Pages: 1138-1147 Published: 2006

[51]. Zhan JF, Sun NH. Fire phoenix cluster operating system kernel and its evaluation. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER, 2005, p 4154109

[52]. Huo ZG, Sun NH. High performance sockets over kernel level virtual interface architecture. Proceedings - Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2005, 2005, p 220-226

[53]. Xiong J, Tang RF, Sun NH. A storage space management policy for a cluster file system. Proceedings - Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2005, 2005, p 240-245

[54]. Zhou XC, Huo ZG, Sun NH. Impact of page size on communication performance. Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2005, 2005, p 1420117

[55]. Liu TY, Sun NH. Destructive transaction: Human-oriented cluster system management mechanism. Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2005, 2005, p 1420274

[56]. Liu TY, Xu ZW, Sun NH. Destructive transaction: Human-oriented cluster system management mechanism. Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2005, 2005, p 298

[57]. Xiong J, Meng D, Sun NH. An efficient metadata distribution policy for cluster file systems. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER, 2005, p 4154103

[58]. 冯圣中,谭光明,徐琳,孙凝晖,徐志伟,曙光4000H生物信息处理专用计算机的高性能算法研究,计算机研究与发展,43(6):1053 -1058,2005

[59]. 刘莹,杨卫兵,孙凝晖,智能网卡驱动程序的性能评价,计算机工程, v 31, n 14, Jul 20, 2005, p 42-44+47

[60]. Sun XJ, Sun NH. Parallel optimization technology for backbone network intrusion detection system. Computational Intelligence and Security - International Conference, CIS 2005, Proceedings, 2005, p 322-327

[61]. 杨卫兵, 孙凝晖, 陈明宇, 曙光4000A中网格路由器的实现, 计算机研究与发展, v 42, n 6, June, 2005, p 1013-1018

[62]. Xu L, Zhang PH, Sun NH. To accelerate multiple sequence alignment using FPGAs. Proceedings - Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2005, 2005, p 176-180.

[63]. Tan GM, Feng SZ, Sun NH. Load balancing algorithm in cluster-based RNA secondary structure prediction. ISPDC 2005: 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2005, p 91-96

[64]. Tan GM, Feng SZ, Sun NH. Parallel multiple sequences alignment in SMP cluster. Proceedings - Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2005, 2005, p 426-431

[65]. Guangming Tan, Shengzhong Feng, Ninghui Sun. Exploiting parallelization for RNA secondary structure prediction in cluster. Computational Science - ICCS 2005, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Volume: 3516 Pages: 979-982 Published: 2005

[66]. Guangming Tan, Xinchun Liu, Ninghui Sun. An efficient dynamic programming algorithm and implementation for RNA secondary structure prediction. Computational Science - ICCS 2005, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Volume: 3515 Pages: 869-876 Published: 2005

[67]. Xiaojun Yang, Lili Guo, Peiheng Zhang, Ninghui Sun. Design of system area network interface card based on Intel IOP310. Embedded Software And Systems, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Volume: 3605 Pages: 165-171 Published: 2005

[68]. Xiaojuan Sun, Xinliang Zhou, Ninghui Sun, Mingyu Chen. Parallel optimization technology for backbone network intrusion detection system. Computational Intelligence And Security, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence, Volume: 3802 Pages: 322-327 Published: 2005

[69]. 孟丹, 孙凝晖, 徐志伟, 高性能计算机曙光4000A的网格使能特征, 计算机研究与发展t, v 41, n 12, December, 2004, p 2079-2087

[70]. 刘新宇,高文,孙凝晖,双机热备份机群的可信性建模分析与比较,小型微型计算机系统, 2004, 25(4), 747-751

[71]. 苗彦超,周应超,郝敏,孙凝晖,视频服务器负载调度策略,微电子学与计算机, 2004, 21(1), 79-82

[72]. Li Hui, Li Xiaolin, Xu Zhiwei,Sun Ninghui. Principle and Framework of Evaluation for Information Grid. International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing, Shanghai,China,2003

[73]. 孟丹,肖利民,孙凝晖,徐志伟,曙光3000超级服务器软件系统,高性能计算技术,2003年第五期

[74]. 孙凝晖,樊建平,Dagger:一种散耦合的网格计算机体系结构,计算机研究与发展,2003年第12期第40卷

[75]. 焦丽梅,孙凝晖,褚兴军,ServerScope:一种新的性能评测系统的提出,计算机工程与应用, 2003年第13期第39卷

[76]. 苗彦超,周应超,郝敏,孙凝晖,杨晓君,高帆,基于IP网络的视频点播服务传输控制,微电子学与计算机,第20卷 2003年 第7期

[77]. 苗彦超,杨晓君,赵毅,孙凝晖, 基于CATV网络的视频服务器设计, 微电子学与计算机,第20卷 2003年 第6期

[78]. 刘新宇,高文,孙凝晖,双机热备份机群的可信性建模分析与比较,小型微型计算机系统,2003

[79]. 刘淘英,李小林,李伟,孙凝晖,徐志伟,关于一种网格运行时结构的若干注记,计算机研究与发展,2003

[80]. Jin Xiong, Sining Wu, Dan Meng, Ninghui Sun, Guojie Li,Design and Performance of the Dawning Cluster File System, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster2003), Dec.1-4, 2003, Hong Kong

[81]. T.Liu, N. Sun and Z. Xu, “Design of Grid Enabling Cluster OS”, in Proceedings of HPC-Asia 2002, Dec. 16-19, 2002, India

[82]. Liu Xinyu,Gao Wen and Sun Ninghui,NCPN:A Simulation Tool for Coloured Petri Nets,14th IASTED Int’l Conf. On Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,Nov.4-6,2002.

[83]. 熊劲,孙凝晖,机群资源管理的设计与实现,计算机学报,Vol.25, No.12, 2002年12月

[84]. 孙凝晖,孟丹,曙光3000超级服务器设计的关键问题研究,计算机学报,Vol.25, No.11, 2002年11月

[85]. 孙凝晖,刘淘英,支持网格的机群操作系统的设计,计算机研究与发展,第39卷,第8期,2002年8月

[86]. Xiong Jin and Sun Ninghui, The Scalability and Availability in Cluster Resource Management, Proceedings of HPC Asia 2001, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia, Sept. 24-28, 2001

[87]. Zhiwei Xu, Ninghui Sun, Dan Meng, Wei Li, Cluster and Grid Superservers: Dawning Experience in China, In Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference of Cluster Computing, Conference Invited Paper, CA, USA, Oct.8-11,2001

[88]. 赵鹏,孙凝晖,徐志伟,基于曙光机群的PVM的设计与实现,中国科学院研究生院学报,P.100-107,Vol.17,NO.1,2000年11月

[89]. 吴明,陈国良,孙凝晖,并行计算机用户环境的设计与实现,计算机学报, P.1021-1027,23卷,Vol.23,No.10,2000年10月

[90]. Ming Wu, Guoliang Chen, Ninghui Sun, Jigang Wu, The Design and Analysis of User's Environment of Dawning-2000II, In Proceedings of HPC-Asia'2000, P.470-472, Beijing, 2000.

[91]. Huakai Zhang, Ninghui Sun, Implementation and Evaluation of Scalable I/O API on Cluster systems, In Proceedings of HPC-Asia'2000, P.42-46, Beijing, 2000.

[92]. Xingfu Wu, Ninghui Sun, DPVM: PVM for Dawning Cluster systems, In Proceedings of HPC-Asia'2000, P.88-93, Beijing, 2000

[93]. 孙凝晖,徐志伟,曙光2000超级计算机系统软件的设计,计算机学报, P.9-20,23卷,Vol.23,No.1,2000年1月

[94]. Sun Ninghui, Reference Implementation of Scalable I/O Low-Level API on Intel Paragon, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, P.206-223, Volume 14, Number 3, May 1999.

[95]. Sun Ninghui, Liu Wenzhuo, Liu Hong, Wang Chuanbao, Lu Xuelin and Zhang Hao, Dawning-1000 PROOS/1.0 Distributed Operating System, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, P.160-博导计算机系统结构, Volume 12, Number 2, March 1997.

[96]. 孙凝晖,并行文件系统的设计,计算机学报,P.938-945,第17卷,Vol.17,No.12,1994年12月

[97]. 淦九河,孙凝晖,Mach系统调用和模拟库,计算机研究与发展,P.36-40,Vol.31,No.9,1994年9月

[98]. 孙凝晖,Mach的I/O系统,计算机研究与发展,P.30-35,Vol.31,No.9,1994年9月

[99]. 孙凝晖,Mach端口管理及其应用,计算机研究与发展,P.24-29,Vol.31,No.9,1994年9月

[100]. 孙凝晖,李国杰,Transputer网络上分布式组合搜索的效率,中国科学院研究生院学报,P.104-111,Vol.11,No.1,1994年5月

[101]. Ninghui Sun, Guojie Li, Efficiency of Parallel Computing on Shared Memory Multiprocessor,in Proceeding of International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, P.1.51-1.61, Beijing, July 1993

[102]. 孙凝晖,李国杰,优先队列的并行插入和删除,计算机研究与发展,P.52-61,Vol.30,No.3,1993年3月

[103]. 孙凝晖,李国杰,采用有效切分的负载平衡,计算机研究与发展,P.5-12,Vol.29,No.12, 1992年12月
